Support Contacts

By email

You can send an email to

By phone or fax

I try to do everything online, but you can call and leave me a message at 703-828-5814 or fax at 571-766-2613. (Who uses a fax any more?)

There will be times I won’t be able to answer the phone, so please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

By Mail

My mailing address is:

5675 Stone Road, Suite 300
Centreville, VA 20120 USA

Before You Contact Me…

If you have a question about fbNicheFinder, check the Tutorials, Demonstrations, and FAQs first. They may have already answered your question.

Have a New Idea or Suggestion to Help Me Improve?

I am always looking for ways to improve fbNicheFinder and create solutions to support my customers. Please feel free to send me your comments via email at




Daniel R. Fortney